Your Questions Matter
To Us

What is your refund/cancellation policy?

Our 2024-2025 program will run from September 9 – May 22 and enrollment will be for the entire school year. There are no mid-semester withdrawals allowed. There are no withdrawals allowed after August 1 for the Fall semester and December 19 for the Spring semester. The only exceptions granted will be for medical/family emergencies, and will be considered on a case by case basis.

What happens if my child misses a class?

There are no refunds for missed classes due to illnesses, travel, etc. However, if a class is canceled by Little Scouts, then you will be offered a makeup or refund for that class.

What does my child need to bring to a class?

Your child should plan to bring a backpack with a water bottle, hat, sunscreen, snack, lunch, and extra clothes (all labeled with the child’s name).

How do I pay for the classes?

We are using Brightwheel for our registration and billing system. If you are paying monthly out of pocket, payment will be due on the first of each month. If you are enrolled with a charter school you will need to submit a request to your homeschool teacher.

What do community days look like?

Community and connection are the foundation of our program. Therefore, we offer field trips/community days once a month, as well as seasonal events and family camping trips to continue to create meaningful relationships between the families and kids. We will alternate between field trips, park dates, community outreach, and guest speakers/workshops. ALL families are welcome and encouraged to participate on these days!